Upcoming Proxy Committee Meetings

Time/Location Meeting Agenda

Thursday, February 13, 2025
1:30 P.M.
Meeting will be held in person  

60 Empire Drive
Suite 100
St. Paul, MN 55103



  • Some members of the Proxy Committee may participate in the meeting electronically. If a Proxy Committee Members calls in, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 13D.015, subd. 4, the Proxy Committee shall, to the extent practical, allow a person to monitor the meeting electronically from a remote location. 

Proxy Committee

Proxy Committee

The SBI established the Proxy Committee to carry out the SBI's proxy voting responsibilities; which meets on an as-needed basis to review and vote on proxy ballot items not covered by existing guidelines and precedents.  Click on the button below to find out more information on the SBI's Proxy Committee.