2023 Supplemental Investment Fund (SIF) Prospectus (pdf)
The SBI’s Supplemental Investment Fund (SIF) Investment Prospectus is published annually, after the end of the fiscal year; and provides information regarding the investment options that are offered in the Fund.
2023 Volunteer Firefighter Account Investment Prospectus (pdf)
The SBI’s Volunteer Firefighter Account Investment Prospectus is published annually, after the end of the fiscal year, and provides information regarding the investment option that are offered to participants of the Statewide Volunteer Firefighter Plan.
The Statewide Volunteer Firefighter Plan is an optional plan for municipalities that either do not have a firefighter retirement plan or want to provide an alternative to their existing retirement plan for their volunteer firefighters.
2023 Non-Retirement Fund Investment Prospectus (pdf)
The SBI’s Minnesota Non-Retirement Funds Investment Prospectus is published annually, after the end of the fiscal year, and provides information regarding the investment options that are offered to non-retirement entities authorized to invest with the SBI.