Quarterly ESG Reports

The SBI's Quarterly ESG reports highlight some of the most recent ESG and Stewardship Activities engaged in by the SBI.

ESG Stewardship Report

The SBI's ESG Stewardship Report provides information on how the SBI fulfills its fiduciary duty by managing ESG risks across its investment portfolios through Stewardship and ESG Incorporation.  

  FY 2021 ESG Stewardship Report

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

The SBI became a PRI signatory in 2019 and is required to report on its responsible investment activities. Public transparency reports for all signatories are available on the PRI's website. 

Public signatory reports | Signatories | PRI (unpri.org)

A copy of the SBI's most recent transparency report and senior leadership statement can be found below. The PRI reporting process plays a key role in the SBI's stewardship strategy and ESG integration process. 

  SBI Senior Leadership Statement - 2023 PRI Reporting

  SBI Combined Funds - 2023 PRI Transparency Report