SBI News
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Recommendations Approved by the SBI Board at its May 21, 2024 Meeting.

SBI Board Approvals - May 21, 2024

Board Room Table 1

Private Markets Commitments For Consideration, which will be presented to the SBI Board at its May 21, 2024 meeting.

Private Markets Commitments for Consideration - May 15, 2024

Minnesota State Capitol Steps

Recommendations Approved by the SBI Board at its February 29, 2024 Meeting.

SBI Board Approvals - February 29, 2024

Upcoming Meetings

Meetings of the State Board of Investment, the Investment Advisory Council, and the various committees of the SBI will be posted below and on our Upcoming Meetings page as scheduled.

State Board of Investment (SBI) Board Meetings

Wednesday, August 14, 2024 - 10:00 A.M.

Investment Advisory Council (IAC) Meetings

Monday, August 12, 2024 - 12:00 P.M.


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Image of a pen and a calculator sitting on pieces of paper that have charts and graphs
Minnesota State Board of Investment 2023 Annual Report

The Minnesota State Board of Investment (SBI) is pleased to present its report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023.

SIF Investment Prospectus

2023 Supplemental Investment Fund (SIF) Prospectus

SBI Asset Listing

The time periods for the Public Markets and Private Markets listings may not be the same and are noted on the respective reports.